Hold a Class IV Diver ticket, registered for a minimum of one year and completed 50 dives as a class IV diver.

Candidates must be in possession of a valid topside medical.

The candidate must have attained the age of 21 years.

Candidate must be capable of managing a dive team.

Class III Trainee Supervisor 

Hold a Class III Diver ticket, registered for a minimum of one year and completed 50 dives as a class III diver.

Candidates must be in possession of a valid topside medical.

The candidate must have attained the age of 21 years.

Candidate must be capable of managing a dive team.

Class II Trainee Supervisor 

Hold a Class II Diver ticket, registered for a minimum of two year and completed 100 dives as a class II diver.

Candidates must be in possession of a valid topside medical.

The candidate must have attained the age of 21 years.

Candidate must be capable of managing a dive team.

Department of Labour Diving Supervisor Course

Continued Professional Development Course: On-line learning + On-site skills development

Divers with the appropriate industry experience may enroll for on-line learning when ever they are ready to start their career development process. 

The learner supervisor is encouraged to learn in their own time at their own pace. 

On completion of studies the learner will attend SEADOG skills assessment centre and complete required on-site skills development. 

On completion the candidate will be awarded the South African Department of Labour Supervisor ticket.  

Confirm your enquiry or booking:

Course can be started as soon as the learner is registered on the on-line learning program 


Upload the following documents to your portfolio:

(please ensure the Certified originals are presented at registration)

Level 3 DOL First Aid, preferably with additional dive module

Letter of recommendation from student's current registered DoL Dive Supervisor and Employer.

All supervisors to be a minimum of 24 years of age and have strong leadership and management skills with a good understanding of hazard Identification and risk assessment.

Class IV Trainee Supervisor