Enrol on D+MER: On-line learning + On-site skills development


SEADOG offers you easy access to on- line training that is relevant, credible and flexible.

Class 4 Commercial SCUBA

4 weeks 

Next course Date:  31-Jul-23

Last Course Date: 11-Sep-23 

Book at:   Subject heading: Class 4 Commerical Diver 4 weeks

Class 3 Surface Supply Air 30msw Inshore

8 weeks  (Cls 4 and Cls 3 combined)

Next course Date:  31-July-2023 - 22 - Sept - 2023 

Last Course Date: 11-Sep-23 - 03 - Oct - 2023 

Book at:   Subject heading: Class 3 Commerical Diver 8 weeks 

Class 2: Surface Supply Air 50msw Offshore

12 weeks (Cls 4/3/2 combined)

Next course Date:  31-July-2023 - 20-Oct-2023 

Last Course Date: 11-Sep-23 - 01 -Dec-2023 

Book at:   Subject heading: Class 2 Offshore Commerical Diver 12 weeks 

Diving Supervisor South African DoEL


Book at:   Subject heading: Diving Supervisor

Attach your Class of diving ticket and 50 logged dives for Cls 4 or 3 and 100 logged offshore dives for Cls 2.

Trainee Air Diving Supervisor   - TADS (IMCA)

DMER On- line Learning 

Book at:   Subject heading: IMCA TADS

Once you pass the TADS exam you are required to complete 200hours working as Trainee Air Diving Supervisor on at least 100 surface dives.

Diver Technician / Hat Technician

2 weeks 

Next course Date:  14-Aug-2023 - 25-Aug-2023 

Last Course Date: 09-Oct- 2023 - 20- Oct- 2023

Book at:   Subject heading: Dive Tech

Attach your CV and qualification/certification certificates

*The Dive Technician will be responsible for overseeing and carrying out all mechanical & electrical repairs, overhauls, maintenance and upgrades on both air and nitrox diving systems equipment.

Trainees should normally hold a formal qualification awarded by a recognised national body in one of the following subjects:

RPL: For experienced Offshore Divers only. 

* We deal only with our appointed client companies and representatives. 

Terms and conditions apply

All applicants require 4 years active experience in the offshore field. 

Enrolment and verification required prior to acceptance.

Confirm your enquiry or booking:

On completion the candidate will be awarded the South African Department of Labour Class II diving certificate The South African Dept of Employment and Labour Diving ticket  is recognised by IMCA.

DMT Refresher (IMCA)

We got you covered anywhere in the world! 

Book and pay online: Visit

On line learning  +4 days Face to Face

Course Size min: 4 - max: 8

Bring originals for verification.  

All docs to be in-date and valid.Upload the following documents:: 

Important: Cape Town International is 2 Hours drive!

Book required flights accordingly.

Before you can attend Skills Assessment you must have completed the required D+MER online Modules and attended the required Zoom Updates

Course Size min: 4 - max: 8

DMT Full Course  (IMCA)

We got you covered anywhere in the world! 

Book and pay online: Visit

On line learning  +8 days Face to Face

Course Size min: 4 - max: 8

Bring originals for verification.  

All docs to be in-date and valid.Upload the following documents:: 

First Aid at Work (DMAC11) 

Book and pay online: Visit

DMAC 11 compliant Blended Learning - To deal safely and effectively with injuries or illness at work incorporating First Aid and Oxygen Administration for the Commercial Dive Team

Oxygen Administration 

DMAC 11 First Aid at work and Oxygen Administration for the Dive Team CPD

Training of Divers, Supervisors and Members of Dive Teams in First Aid

DMAC 11 compliant for on-line Distance Learning (ODL) continuing professional Development (CPD)

Book and pay online: Visit

Chamber operator

Chamber Operator Course

Continued Professional Development Course: 

On-line learning + On-site skills development

The Chamber Operators course qualifies the course candidate to operate a chamber under the supervision of a Diving Supervisor.  The course teaches the students the minimum required theory and practical skills in line with internationally accepted standards to allow the qualified candidate to be able to apply his basic knowledge and skills on any chamber. 

Candidates may enrol for on-line learning when ever they are ready to start their career development process. The learner is encouraged to learn in their own time at their own pace. On completion of studies the learner will attend SEADOG skills assessment centre and complete required on-site skills development. On completion the candidate will be awarded the Chamber Operator Certificate.